Film Festival Science Film Festival 2023

SCIENCE FILM FESTIVAL: Duty of Care - The Climate Trials © Goethe-Institut

Fri, 03.11.2023

6:00 PM

Goethe-Institut Äthiopien

Duty of care – The Climate Trials

Title: Duty of Care – The Climate Trials
Category:  Ecology & Environment
Director: Nic Balthazar
Produced by: Sarah Tak, Nic Balthazar
Running Time: 56 minutes
Country: Belgium
Year: 2022
Age Guideline: University and General Public

This film tells the inside story of Roger Cox, the lawyer who initiated ground-breaking legal actions against the Dutch government and oil giant Shell. The result: two landmark rulings that sent shockwaves through political offices and corporate boardrooms around the world and led to a wave of international climate cases. This is a character-driven journey through the highs and lows of his trials, featuring a cast of creative lawyers, activists, and ordinary citizens pursuing what they see as the legal showdown of the century. Their story is set against interviews with world-leading experts on the principles of justice that can be applied to the greatest challenge humanity has ever faced.

Science Film Festival 2023
