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Juliana Huxtable on the Five Works That Shaped Her Practice

Singular in her approach to art and music, Juliana Huxtable is a very contemporary polymath. As she begins her Somerset House Studios x Goethe-Institut London digital residency from her home in Berlin, we invited her to share with us the five most important works that influenced and shaped her practice.


Paul B. Preciado, Testo Junkie

"Paul B. Preciado’s Testo Junkie is the single most illuminating, paradigm-shifting and totalising take on the evolution of power, capital and their permutations of the past 10+ years."


Artwork of Emory Douglas

"The Revolutionary Art of Emory Douglas – never sacrificing nuance or beauty for political urgency, Emory Douglas has long been a key influence in my visual work."


"I will be forever a more inspired artist and musician after seeing this brilliant multi-media performance scape by Laurie Anderson."


Christian Death: Only Theatre of Pain

"One of my favourite albums of all time, Christian Death's Only Theatre of Pain is at the same time romantic, camp, poeti-dada and gothic with punk sonics, Only Theatre of Pain is poetry and sonic aggressive, sonic whimsy in record form."


Gulliver's Travels (miniseries, 1996)

"The 1996 Gulliver's Travels miniseries – the aesthetic of multiculturalism meets period piece representation meets high budget public television fantasy."

Digital Art & Events

Juliana Huxtable: I should be doing something else right now © Juliana Huxtable

19.05.2020, 6 p.m.
Live Performance: I Should Be Doing Something Else Right Now

This year's artist of the residency programme Goethe-Institut London X Somerset House Studios responds to the provocation I Should Be Doing Something Else Right Now! In this series, six artists will be experimenting with the production and editing tools at hand, streaming their performances live from home!

Juliana Huxtable © Juliana Huxtable

26.05.2020, 6 p.m.
Live Talk with Juliana Huxtable: Grounding Practice

In the Somerset House Studios series Grounding Practice, invited artists discuss the sustainability of their practices, their inspiration and how they navigate, negotiate and contribute to the contemporary contexts in which they’re making work. In this digital edition, our artist in residence Juliana Huxtable will be speaking in a livestream!

Playlist © Getty Images

Musical Influences of Juliana Huxtable

Juliana Huxtable has put together some of her musical influences. Have a listen on the website of Somerset House Studios!
