Art and Technology

A human hand touches a robotic hand. © Eva Beck / Goethe-Institut

Artificial intelligence, Quantum, blockchains and cryptocurrencies – everyone’s talking about digitisation, and yet some seminal new technologies are unknown to the general public. With a view to boosting digital literacy in civil society, we start up projects about technologies that have the potential to transform society. We bring cultural values and critical perspectives into the debate and point up sociocultural, humanist and ethical aspects that should inform the ways in which we use and shape these developments.

Current Programmes & Projects

Newsletter about current cultural events

All our events in the visual arts, film, literature, music, dance and theatre!

New Technologies in Our Lives

Our everyday lives are determined by technology – by the tools we use and which (often without our even noticing it) use us. We’ve put together a collection of articles that critically explore various aspects of new technologies.
