Everywhere we look new technologies are emerging around us - at work, at school, in our homes, and across the cultural sector. As we welcome more technologies into our lives, we must also ensure that we maintain ethical standards along the way. In particular, with AI-led technologies such as robotics, the replacement of humans and human functions requires not only ethical standards to be upheld but also a reassurance that humans will not be completely replaced and pushed out of work altogether.
Fear that these expectations and standards might not be met are reasons why some institutions have been more resistant to the idea of welcoming robots. In this dossier, we explore how the cultural attitudes of nations impact their relationship to adopting new technologies. In the case of the British, it appears we are rather sceptical.
As the cultural institution of the Federal Republic of Germany, we must think about how these technological advancements will impact us in the future and how we can incorporate these changes into our own work, to create better cultural and educational experiences. In this dossier, we delve into how these new technologies are being experienced in the UK and beyond.