For Schools

For schools, GIMAGINE offers exciting projects to motivate students, provides tangible resources and materials, and can provide teaching services to schools who face an HR shortage. 

Educational Events and Activities

Sign up and provide your students with an unforgettable learning-experience.

27.09. | London
Career Roadshow: European Edition

The European Edition of our Career Roadshow in London offers students a multi-faceted program that provides insight into the relevance of European languages in professional life.

White and light blue lettering ‘Choose a career, choose Europe’ on a dark blue background with the stars of the European Union ©Géza Schenk

Young Goethe Scheme

Invite university and A-Level/Highers students of German into your primary or secondary classrooms to inspire and motivate younger students to learn or continue with German!

Goethe Logo with students © Goethe-Institut London

Support for schools

German Expert Mentors (GEM) network

Our German Expert Mentors (GEMs) Network delivers support to German departments and professional upskilling to German teachers in schools across England. Part of a nationwide network, our GEMs will coach and mentor language-teaching professionals, supply updated teaching resources and materials, and re-energise language learning with free-of-charge, bespoke offers that can be tailored to individual needs upon request. 

Picture GEM © Canva

Language Hub Schools

The National Consortium for Languages Education (NCLE) has selected and announced the first Language Hubs. Schools across England will act as hubs to promote language learning.

A map of England with colorful pins. Image for illustration. © Unsplash / P. Marlow

German for your classroom

Questions, feedback, suggestions?

Do you have a question or suggestion for our GIMAGINE team?
We would be delighted to hear from you!

Logo: GIMAGINE project