For Schools

For schools, GIMAGINE offers exciting projects to motivate students, provides tangible resources and materials, and can provide teaching services to schools who face an HR shortage. 

Educational Events and Activities

Sign up and provide your students with an unforgettable learning-experience.

The GIMAGINE Award for young German learners

The Gimagine Award is a highly engaging, innovative self-learning platform for young learners (14 – 18 years of age), equipping them with beginner German skills and current global knowledge about a broad range of topics. Learners will collect points that lead to the “GIMAGINE Award Certificate” – an official certificate stating their achievements.

Four characters holding  a trophy victoriously

Career Roadshow UK

Our UK-wide career roadshows offer students a multi-faceted program that provides insight into the relevance of German in professional life.

Logo from our Career Roadshow @Geza/Goethe-Institut @Geza/Goethe-Institut

Our German Clubs with interactive starter-kits for teachers

German Club Starter Kits will include a German Club Handbook (digital or hardcopy) for club leaders, gamified learning challenges, badges, and awards for students, with different learning routes according to students' ages. Previous knowledge of German is neither necessary for students nor teachers. We further offer comprehensive professional training and incentive trips for teachers and heads who start up a club. We can also help set up a club directly at your school!

Wuschel and Micky lie under a tree and watch the sky. @Goethe-Institut London/Axel Scheffler @Goethe-Institut London/Axel Scheffler

German Days

The Goethe-Institut up close: provide your students with a direct and personal look into the German language and culture. We would be delighted to welcome your school groups to the Goethe-Institut London or the Goethe-Institut Glasgow.

 Entrance ©Goethe-Institut ©Goethe-Institut

e-Space: Virtual Exchange

Discover the e-Space Virtual Exchange Programme and engage your students in a unique linguistic and cultural journey. This program provides comprehensive guides, handbooks, and a methods glossary to support your teaching. With materials available in both English and German, you can explore topics like Everyday Life (Alltag) and Music (Musik). Inspire your students to connect with peers worldwide and join e-Space Virtual Exchange today!

Logo and link: e-Space @ UK-German connection

Business Lunch

Meet inspiring German speakers from the world of work and discover different career paths with German

The business lunch series is a series of online live conversations with different people from the world of work whose careers have been shaped by learning German.

two grey women and three grey men on a blue background with a sign on which ‘Careers’ ‘with’ ‘German’ is written in three letters

Register now and submit your entries until 15th June 2025

Enterprise German Competition

Enterprise German (“Unternehmen Deutsch”) combines aspects of German, economics, and professional orientation with a motivating competition. School classes from secondary schools in the UK and university students who deal with the topic of career orientation in the classroom can participate, if their teacher or professor registers a participating group.

Four people are concentrating on a document ©Goethe-Institut ©Goethe-Institut

Workshops for school groups

Here we present and document motivational in-person workshops with authors and other German celebrities for young learners and school groups.

Workshop, activities & events for German learners © Goethe-Institut © Goethe-Institut


German makes the difference! Knowing German significantly increases your chances of finding a good job: not only internationally, on the large German-speaking labour market, but also here in the United Kingdom. We have put together a wide range of learning programmes for young German learners on the subject of German and work.

Several young school students sit next to each other on a sofa and read. The pictures in the ‘YOUNG LEARNERS’ series show groups of young learners - children and teenagers - who are having fun with education, learning and the German language. © ©

Young Goethe Scheme

Invite university and A-Level/Highers students of German into your primary or secondary classrooms to inspire and motivate younger students to learn or continue with German!

Goethe Logo with students © Goethe-Institut London © Goethe-Institut London

Support for schools

Vorsprung Deutsch

Is your German Department facing a short-term HR shortage? With Vorsprung Deutsch, the Goethe-Institut can step in until your department has got back on its feet again.

Text Vorsprungprogramm on a blue background with a rocket and speechbubble "Deutsch" ©Goethe-Institut London ©Goethe-Institut London

Language assistants

Language assistants are an additional teaching resource for you in the classroom. 

A teacher speaking with a class in front of a white board © Jayne Lloyd © Jayne Lloyd

German Expert Mentors (GEM) network

Our German Expert Mentors (GEMs) Network delivers support to German departments and professional upskilling to German teachers in schools across England. Part of a nationwide network, our GEMs will coach and mentor language-teaching professionals, supply updated teaching resources and materials, and re-energise language learning with free-of-charge, bespoke offers that can be tailored to individual needs upon request. 

Picture GEM © Canva © Canva

Language Hub Schools

The National Consortium for Languages Education (NCLE) has selected and announced the first Language Hubs. Schools across England will act as hubs to promote language learning.

A map of England with colorful pins. Image for illustration. © Unsplash / P. Marlow © Unsplash / P. Marlow

German for your classroom

German cinema for your classroom

We have a number of great German movies available to rent from us in your German classroom. All movies are in German with English subtitles.

The Lives of Others © Wiedemann & Berg Filmproduktion (München) © Wiedemann & Berg Filmproduktion (München)

Advertising Kits

Order standardized advertising kits: infomational brochures, printed material to help grow your German program, fun items to decorate your classroom or small prizes to motivate your students. 

Advertising Kits © Goethe-Institut / Bettina Siegwart © Goethe-Institut / Bettina Siegwart

Poster exhibitions

Do you want to bring topics to life in your German classroom? Then borrow a poster exhibition free of charge from your nearest Goethe-Institut! 

Plakatausstellung teaser © Goethe-Institut © Goethe-Institut


Your portal to German teaching materials

Deutschstunde is the portal for teaching materials of German as a foreign language, advanced training and the "Magazin Sprache". Contact with other teachers via local communities is just a few clicks away.

Mockup mit Tablet und aufgerufener Deutschstunde-Seite © Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan New Delhi © Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan New Delhi

Questions, feedback, suggestions?

Do you have a question or suggestion for our GIMAGINE team?
We would be delighted to hear from you!


Stay up to date and receive the latest initiatives and funding opportunities directly in your inbox by subscribing to our newsletter. 

Logo: GIMAGINE project