Online Seminar
Contemporary German Language Teaching

Modern German Language Teaching
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A cooperative online seminar series for teachers from France and the UK


Are you a motivated teacher who would like to develop your teaching skills and network with German teachers across the channel? 

In cooperation with the Goethe-Institut Paris, we cordially invite you to our three-part online seminar series. Join us on a journey to discover contemporary German language teaching and to think about teaching the different skills and grammar in a modern and interactive way. Using concrete examples, we will show you how to motivate and support your students to use German in an active way.
16.09.2020, 17.00-18.00:
Authentic Writing: Analogue and digital
07.10.2020, 17.00-18.00:
The eye is listening, too. Successful learning with listening and visual tasks.
04.11.2020, 17.00-18.00:
Interactive grammar teaching
In addition, an online room is available where you can network with German teachers from France and the UK. There you will have the opportunity to reflect and discuss the methods used in the online seminars and share best-practice examples. You can also use this opportunity to initiate transnational student projects with German as a mediating language.
Dominique Böert (Goethe-Institut London)
Alexa Thyssen (Goethe-Institut Paris)

The number of participants in the online seminar series is limited. Please attend all three dates if possible.

In order to register, please fill out the form and send to  by 14.09.2020

We will send you confirmation of your attendance after 5th August. You will receive information about how to join the online seminar ahead of the day.
Technical requirements:
  • Virtual classroom: Adobe Connect
  • Mobile or on your computer, you need a stable Internet connection and a headset
  • Please download the Adobe application; access via web browser is unstable
  • By participating in the online seminar series, you agree to video and audio recording for documentation purposes​



United Kingdom

Language: German
Price: Free of charge, registration essential

+44 20 75964037