Online training course for teachers
Deutsch Lehren Lernen (DLL 5 - Lernmaterialien und Medien)


Online training course for teachers


The Goethe-Institut offers the unique teacher training course DLL (Deutsch Lehren Lernen) module 5 “Lehrmaterialien und Medien” which incorporates the principle of professional development through collaborative action research.

Teachers of German can:

  • enhance their current language and communication skills and competencies
  • broaden their understanding of MFL pedagogy
  • cover the content in DLL module 5 “Lermaterialien und Medien and learn:
    • how to evaluate the quality of books and teaching materials they set in the classroom
    • how to devise effective teaching materials to support the interaction between teacher and students
    • and understand the strategies that lead to improved reading and listening comprehension skills and how to devise exercises and activities to support this process
    • how to select and adapt authentic materials
    • how to use the potential of media and digital media in their lessons to work on appropriate projects based on a task based language learning approach
  • experience how a teacher-led investigative model supports CPD and how this classroom based research can be facilitated
  • discover how learning by experiencing, and observing with professional support and interaction, enhances: 
    • training of strategies for independent, professional development
    • the development of more task-based and interactive teaching
    • the exchange of best practice examples, ideas and insights

This online course allows participants to:
  • work at their own pace
  • collaborate with the group in online activities
  • receive ongoing online support from experienced teacher trainers Liz Black and Sabine Junker

Continuous online learning: 30.01.2021–22.05.2021
Learning by observing, reflecting on practice, evaluation and monitoring of PEP

Live Online Seminar 1: 29./30.01.2021 from 3.30-6.30 pm
Introduction to DLL5/Practice Exploration Projects (PEP) 
Live Online Seminar 2: 23./24.04.2021 from 3.30-6.30 pm
“Deutsch als fremde Sprache mit effektiven Lernmaterialien” at primary level, at secondary level in the context of the new GCSE and A-levels

Live Online Seminar 3: 21./22.05.2021 from 3.30-6.30 pm
Presentation – Evaluation of Practice Exploration Projects

To book a place on this course please use the enrolment form or contact our Language Office.
  If you wish to make preliminary enquiries please send an E-Mail to Sabine Junker.

Apply by: 27th of January 2021

* TU = Teaching unit



United Kingdom

Language: German
Price: £150

+44 20 75964004

12 weeks, 64 TU*