Online Seminar
Songs and Poems in Language Learning

Songs and Poems in Language Learning
© Goethe-Institut / Getty Images

for primary teachers


Songs and poems are “all-rounders” – not only do they stimulate the learning process and serve as a perfect warm-up into the lesson, but they also work well as automated exercises. They test listening skills and help to perfect pronunciation. They allow students to get a feel for the language while also offering cultural insights. 

The following topics will be discussed in our Online Seminar:  which songs and poems are suitable for learning German in primary school? How can they be implemented into lessons? And most importantly: where can you find them? 

I am looking forward to our session which will be full of ideas and practical tips.

Susanne Arenhövel has been teaching German for 12 years, in Vienna, in Australia and now in the UK. She has been carrying out several upskilling sessions for primary teachers on behalf of the Goethe-Institut London with the Goethe-Institut’s K2 “Felix and Franzi” resources.

To register please fill out the registration form below: 
Registration Form Application deadline: 05.02.21 

We hope you can all make it!



United Kingdom

Language: English
Price: Free of charge, registration essential

+44 20 7596 4037