Small and Smart – designing experiments with kids

Children sitting on a table and working on experiments
©Initiative Junge Forscherinnen und Forscher e.V.


We all know children's questions like: Why doesn't the heavy boat sink? Why does the contact lens stay on the eye or why doesn't the moon fall from the sky? Children are passionately curious. They are especially interested in questions about scientific phenomena that they can observe in their own world. And they have the expertise to deal with such questions, the prerequisite is that we give them the opportunity to do so. This requires adults who, like the children, are enthusiastic about research. It is especially important to make your own experiences with experiments. Already Albert Einstein knew "learning is experience, everything else is just information".

In the workshop we will show you how children can become researchers with simple materials:

  • We offer you insights into the age-appropriate experiment book "klein & schlau!", which contains a total of 19 varied experiments.
  • We will familiarize you with the methodology of enquiry-based learning.
  • We will conduct two selected experiments together and show you how to stimulate children in an age-appropriate way to work like real researchers
If you want to actively participate, have the following materials ready:
  • Balloon
  • scotch tape
  • straw
  • string
  • tea light
  • Drinking glass
Target group are primary school teachers of German.

Please register here




Language: German

+44 20 7596 4013