Harry Baker

Harry Baker on stage
© Garry Cook

My name is Harry Baker, I am a poet who spent a year in Germany as part of my university degree studying maths.

When I was in Germany, I fell in love with the language and have used it in my work since, whether it is in bilingual tongue twisters about Falafellöffel or making pop songs during the coronavirus lockdown! I ran some German poetry workshops online with GCSE students getting them to write their own German and bilingual raps and come up with compound nouns together.

My favourite memory of being involved with the Goethe-Institut is hearing how creative the students could be with both languages when they were given permission to see it playfully, and getting to share my passion for language with others. 

Without the Goethe-Institut London, I would have thought my interests were too niche to share with other people!
