Juvenes Translatores 2016

Today the European Commission launches Juvenes Translatores, its annual contest to find 28 young translators of the year – one for each of the EU's member countries.
Contestants must translate a short set text and can choose to work from and into any of the EU's 24 official languages. The prize is lifelong kudos and an expenses-paid trip to meet the other national winners at an award ceremony in Brussels.
Registration for the competition is done through schools; the number of participating schools in each country is limited to the number of members of the European Parliament it has – in the UK's case, 73.
Juvenes Translatores is the annual translation contest for 17-year old students. The 2016 contest will take place on 24 November — it will be for students born in 1999.
To participate, schools must register first — until 20 October. Since only 5 students per school can take part in the competition, schools may opt to hold their own pre-selection tests. Others decide to pick one student for each foreign language taught in the school.
A translation test will take place on your school on 24 November 2016. On the day of the test, DG Translation will provide the schools with the texts to be translated.
The schools cover the costs of organising the tests on their premises, e.g. printing the texts to be translated and providing the facilities for the test. The Commission will pay for the award ceremony and cover the costs of providing the texts to be translated and the evaluation process. The Commission will arrange and pay for travel and accommodation for one winner, one teacher and one accompanying adult per Member State.

Read the rules and register online here before 20 October 2016.



Price: Free to enter