Pettersson und Findus

Pettersson und Findus
© Senator Film_ Tradewind Pictures

Film screening for school classes

Goethe-Institut London

The Into Film Festival is a free and annual celebration of film and education for schools and young people across the UK. It aims to help educators bring learning to life for 5-19 year olds by inspiring young people to watch, make and understand film in new and creative ways.

Film synopsis

Pettersson lives alone on his farm feeling rather grumpy, until he is given a gift by one of his neighbours: a cheeky tom cat named Findus. As they spend time together, Findus gradually teaches Pettersson how to laugh again. But when a proud cockerel begins to strut its stuff on the farm, Petterson begins to neglect his new best friend. This sweet-natured German family comedy is the first in a series of films based on a hugely popular children’s book series.
Tough the event is free of charge, booking is essential. You can register for this event on the Into Film webpage here.


Goethe-Institut London

50 Princes Gate
Exhibition Road
United Kingdom

Language: German with english subtitles
Price: Free of charge, booking essential

0330 313 7600
Part of series Into Film Festival 2017

86 min