Eva Meyer Keller: Death is Certain

Eva Meyer Keller Death is Certain
© Lucas Fester

Warwick Arts Centre

Inspired by fairy tales, where sometimes objects come to life and so become a projection screen for your own experiences and fantasies, in the performance Death is Certain Eva Meyer-Keller has installed sweet cherries as her protagonists.

The stalks are removed from the fruit, but they are not washed or stoned. Instead they are being killed. She takes care of this business manually, in a way which turns the everyday into something brutal. Cherries have tender skin, meat and a kind of bone inside them. Their juice is red like blood. When you treat them like humans sometimes treat other humans, then they become human themselves or at least animate objects, which invite you to identify yourself with them.

The viewer is reminded of deaths from films, but also the reality of executions, how they really happen: associations from individual and collective experience in the face of sweet death at the kitchen table.

Mon 8 & Tue 9 Oct 7pm & 8.45pm
Post Show Talk Mon 8 Oct

The project is supported by the Goethe-Institut.


Warwick Arts Centre

Gibbet Hill Rd
United Kingdom

Price: £12.00 / £10.00 concessions

024 7652 4524