Film Screening
Joanna Hogg: Unrelated & Angela Schanelec: Marseille

Still: Unrelated, Director Joanna Hogg

Goethe-Institut London

Joanna Hogg: Unrelated
A stay with a circle of posh Brits in a beautiful villa in Tuscany turns out to be just a temporary escape. But amidst bourgeois superficialities and hopeless flirts with young macho men, middle-aged Anna tries hard to convince herself of the opposite. Fleeing the humdrum of married life and her own low spirits under the Italian sun, captured in long takes by Joanna Hogg, Anna must face up to the fact that she cannot escape herself. The blue sky turns grey as the summer once more proves to be one of a woman’s stymied possibilities.
UK 2007, colour, 35mm, 100 min, English. Directed by Joanna Hogg. With Kathryn Worth, Tom Hiddleston, Mary Roscoe, David Rintoul, Emma Hiddleston, Henry Lloyd-Hughes, Harry Kershaw, Michael Hadley. Print Source: New Wave Films, UK.

Angela Schanelec: Marseille (approximate start time: 8:45PM)

Marseille Schnanelec © Still: Marseille, Director: Angela Schanelec Marseille Schnanelec Still: Marseille, Director: Angela Schanelec

Arriving to a foreign place, we often bring an idea of it with us. We imagine what might happen. As a rule, it is ultimately the place that happens to us, having little to do with what we have imagined. We are at the mercy of the place and our expectations are frustrated. Marseille deals with this disappointment. Photographer Sophie is lost in the eponymous city, home to so many dreams of literature and cinema. But instead of discovering the magical South of France, Sophie witnesses a normality that is unconcerned with her. It is only when she gets back to Berlin that Marseille begins to live in her again.
Germany 2004, colour, 35mm, 95 min, French, German with English subtitles. Directed by Angela Schanelec. With Maren Eggert, Emily Atef, Alexis Loret, Marie-Lou Sellem, Louis Schanelec, Devid Striesow, Wolfgang Michael, Friederike Kammer, Juergen Gosch, Christian Mazzuchini. Print Source: Deutsche Kinemathek – Museum for Film and Television, Berlin.

We encourage you two watch both films as the programme intends to present them as a pair. But if you can only come to the second flim, please check the approximate start time above.

Pleasee note that we do not show any advertisement before our film screenings and start the film at the advertised time.

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Goethe-Institut London

50 Princes Gate
Exhibition Road
United Kingdom

Price: £5/ Admission free for language students and library members. Booking essential.

+44 20 75964000
Part of series Always Somewhere Else - The Cinema of Angela Schanelec in Dialogue