Film Screening
Chronik der Anna Magdalena Bach

Chronik der Anna Magdalena Bach
© BELVA Film

BFI Southbank

Please note that BFI Southbank have moved this screening to the larger NFT 1 to make more tickets available. Please note the changed time. The screening now starts at 6.35pm.

‘The starting point for our Chronicle of Anna Magdalena Bach was the idea to make a film where we used music not as accompaniment, nor as commentary, but as aesthetic matter. (…) In practical terms, you could say that we tried to bring music to life on screen, to show, for once, music to filmgoers.’ Jean-Marie Straub, 1966.

Chronicle of Anna Magdalena Bach was a project long-cherished by Straub and Huillet who had to wait years before they could finance it. It is a remarkable film about the music and the life of Johann Sebastian Bach as told factually by the perspective of his wife through documents, letters, texts, scores and other biographical materials. The musical moments, performed by Gustav Leonhardt and various ensembles were shot in direct sound, and are presented according to the date of their composition, with period instruments and orchestrations in the same rooms where Bach conducted his music. Straub reflected on the political aspect of his film through the figure of Bach himself: ‘I said that there is no divorce in him between art, life, and intellect, sacred and secular music — if the film becomes also what the man was, then of course it will penetrate right into society’s roots, then we can employ the phrase Only violence helps, where violence reigns, as the film’s title.’
The screening will be introduced by Misha Donat, who has collaborated with Danièle Huillet and Jean-Marie Straub on many films.
Chronik der Anna Magdalena Bach, Chronicle of Anna Magdalena Bach, Danièle Huillet and Jean-Marie Straub, West Germany, 1967, 35mm, b&w, 93 min., English version.



BFI Southbank

Belvedere Road
South Bank
United Kingdom

Part of series The Films of Jean-Marie Straub and Danièle Huillet