The Wood For The Trees

The Wood For The Trees
© Timebandits, DIF, Eva Löbau

Goethe-Institut Glasgow

Join us to watch the film ‚The Wood For The Trees' with English subtitles on the big screen in our hall. Free entry!

Germany 2003, Dir: Maren Ade, colour, 84 min., with Engl. subtitles. Cast: Eva Löbau, Daniela Holtz, Jan Neumann, Ilona Christina Schulz, Robert Schupp et al.

Melanie Pröschle is on the verge of a new phase in her life: she’s ended her relationship with her long-term boyfriend, completed her teacher training, and is moving from Plochingen to Karlsruhe to start her first job there. This insecure, often awkward, young woman will fail professionally as well as privately. She barely comes into contact with her colleagues, while the students won’t take her seriously and react increasingly aggressively. Melanie deceives herself and others. Friendship, which she seeks far too aggressively with her neighbour, Tina, fails to materialise. Ultimately, she learns to let go - or is this a path towards suicide?


Goethe-Institut Glasgow

3 Park Circus
G3 6AX
United Kingdom

Language: German with English subtitles
Price: Free Admission