Take Me Somewhere - Performance Today, Performance Tomorrow

Take Me Somewhere
© Take Me Somewhere

in collaboration with Sophiensaele and Kampnagel


Take Me Somewhere is Glasgow’s festival of contemporary international performance, building on the legacy of the Arches arts venue following its closure in 2015. The festival provides a crucial support structure and platform for Scotland’s most vital artists, combined with some of the world’s most cutting-edge contemporary performance makers.

The festival - which has innovative performance at its core - acts as a connector between people, work and ideas, and is inspired by the talent, energy and voracity of the city’s arts community. It’s a space for crucial, diverse voices from here and abroad that take us somewhere in our personal and collective journeys, understanding the globalised and multicultural world we live in; voices that allow us to consider where we are now and envisage what a future somewhere could be.

Performance Today, Performance Tomorrow
A group of artists and producers working from across Europe and beyond will discuss, from their own perspectives and experiences, what approaches, barriers, real work challenges and strategies there are for international working. We will explore positive actions, potential solutions and shared values in a digital space for learning and sharing, and ask: what is required right now for artists and their communities?

How can we work collaboratively and practise solidarity in this moment that presents us with the Climate Crisis, Covid-19, a hostile environment, border controls and Brexit. Through discussion, we navigate connectedness, how and where we might meet - when we can’t meet. We ask what can organisations do to support internationally-aspiring and internationally-working artists and what are the common challenges?

A zoom etiquette policy will be used to support a safer space for all involved.

Speakers will be announced soon. 

Buy a festival pass on Take Me Somewhere's website

This discussion will be live captioned & British Sign Language interpreted.

>> See also the event Take Me Somewhere - Thick Time Radio Station, an international exchange led by Karen Christopher on 25 May.



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