Film screening
Talking About The Weather

Film Still: Anne Schäfer, Emma Frieda Brüggler, Anne-Kathrin Gummich (left to right) in "Talking About The Weather"
© DFFB_New Matter Films_pennybooth production

Goethe-Institut Glasgow

Join us to watch the film Talking About The Weather with English subtitles on the big screen in our hall. Free entry!

Germany 2022, Director: Annika Pinske | Duration: 89 min. | in German with English subtitles  | Cast: Anne Schäfer, Anne-Kathrin Gummich, Judith Hofmann, Marcel Kohler, Max Riemelt

Clara is 39 and is completing a PhD in philosophy. She lives in a Berlin flatshare while her teenage daughter lives with her ex. Clara secretly develops a relationship with one of her students. Meanwhile, her doctoral supervisor, the independent Margot, provides her with professional encouragement. When Clara goes home to provincial Mecklenburg-Vorpommern for her mother’s birthday, she finds herself struggling both with her family's pride and expectations but also with their rejection. She begins to realise just how far she has moved away from her roots in her search for a self-determined life. Perhaps, though, she had to move away. Because one's perception of home can change.

Annika Pinske's quiet drama is a study in familiarity and distance, liberty and compulsion, the countryside and the city. Sensitive, nuanced performances from an outstanding cast with an assured command of the local dialects allow the audience to experience the atmospheres of both Berlin's university milieu and the rural family get-together.

Source: 72. Internationale Filmfestspiele Berlin (Catalogue)

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Goethe-Institut Glasgow

3 Park Circus
G3 6AX Glasgow

Language: German with English subtitles
Price: Free Admission! Bookings via Eventbrite.