Felix und Franzi German Club
„Hallo!“ Get to know Felix and Franzi.
Theme I: Introductions
In this first club session the children will be introduced to the Felix and Franzi characters, who will help to teach them some basic German greetings in the form of a song. The children will also learn about where German is spoken around the world.
In the second club session the children will have the opportunity of creating their own puppets! These can then be used for partner speaking activities, to practise the new greetings.
In the final session of Theme 1 games are used to practise the new language of introductions as well as to consolidate the greetings.
Theme II: Feelings
In this first session of theme 2, pupils learn the vocabulary to speak about how they are feeling. Felix and Franzi introduce key-phrases in a video.
Children can ask each other how they are feeling.
Club leaders hold up a smiley face and pupils respond with the correct feeling.
Theme III: Colours
In this first session of theme 3, pupils learn to name colours.
Pupils describe colours in paintings from German speaking artists.
Theme IV: Animals
In this first session of theme 4, pupils learn to name animals.
Pupils recognise what animals sound like in German and can use the plural forms of animal names.
Pupils recognise what animals sound like in German and are able to use the plural forms of animal names.
Theme V: Breakfast
In this first sessiopn of Theme 3, pupils learn how to talk about breakfast food preferences.
Pupils can talk about their breaktime food preferences and sing a song in German.
To be able to express and ask for food and drink preferences.