Culture and society in Germany Special German Day: Day of German Unity

Menschen, die die Berliner Mauer besteigen. Eine Fotografie vom Mauerfall © Gavin Stewart / Flickr, CC BY 2.0

Thu, 03.10.2024

Goethe-Institut London

Key stage 3 – 5 at least two years of German lessons


On the occasion of the Day of German Unity on 3rd October 2024, we are delighted to offer your students the opportunity to attend a Special German Day in the unique venue of the Leake Street Arches. 2024 sees the 35th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. In order to mark this occasion, students will learn more about the events leading up to the fall of the wall through an immersive film installation, several workshops and activities surrounding the peaceful revolution and the reunification of Germany.

As this is a unique one-off opportunity, we are offering 1.5-hour slots for up to 60 students per slot in order to open this event to as many students as possible. Places will be allocated on a first come first served basis. We can only confirm the slots once payment has been made.

Want to make a day of it? You may want to combine your visit to the Leake Street Arches with another activity to make a day of it for your students. One suggestion is a visit to the Tate Modern to see the Blue Rider Exhibition.

Group prices:
1-25 students – GBP 125
25-50 students – GBP 250
51-60 students – GBP 350
Participation is free of charge for accompanying teachers.
The following timeslots are available. We ask schools to only book one timeslot, as we expect some interest and would value the opportunity to get to know as many teachers and students as possible. The maximum number of students we can accommodate per slot is 60 pupils.
Slot 1: 09:30-11:00 
Slot 2: 11:15-12:45 
Slot 3: 13:15-14:45 
Slot 4: 15:00-16:30 

The Goethe-Institut looks forward to your visit!


For this special German Day, we'll be meeting at 
Leake Street Arches, Leake Street, Lambeth SE1 7NN
