Are you interested in teaching sustainable development in industry, innovation, and infrastructure in your classroom, but don`t know where to start? This dossier can help prepare you by providing background information, teaching materials for your German classroom and a competition for your students.
These materials give pupils an insight into the world of business. For example, they learn how a company is structured, how successful advertising works and how to develop an innovative product. The interactive worksheets provide motivating exercises and communicative and creative tasks.
Founding and running a company is hard work. Therefore, making it even more important that the founders fully stand behind their product. In these interviews, founders have their say.
Can e-scooters and e-bikes help to improve people's mobility and make it more environmentally friendly? Who uses which means of transport for what purpose? We talked to the press officer of the mobility department in Munich and to young people about this topic.
The Lingo Global magazine offers young learners of German the opportunity to discover sustainable cities. They will find videos, texts and current data, graphics, exercise and vocabulary on this topic.
This project combines aspects of German, economics, and professional orientation with a motivating competition. School classes from secondary schools in the UK and university students can register by 15 March 2024 and develop a sustainable and innovative product or service.
The goal is to integrate Education for Sustainable Development into German language learning programmes. To achieve this, Education on Sustainable Development will first be introduced - and then concrete teaching ideas will be presented.
How can teachers incorporate sustainability goals into their German lessons with the help of the Goethe-Institut's training courses and materials? Teachers will find ideas for their lesson planning.
A wide collection of documentaries that tell stories of success and present ideas for solutions to social problems. The films on Fast Phone and Fast Fashion are recommended for the dossier.