Online Live Series A Career in IT with German

Portrait picture of Adela Mehic-Dzanic and preview of the series Businss Lunch ©Adela Mehic-Dzanic

Thu, 27.06.2024

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM


Business Lunch

Q&A with Adela Mehic-Dzanic

In a live online conversation on Thursday, 27th June, Adela Mehic-Dzanic will speak to the Goethe-Institut London about her career and her experiences with German and in Austria and answer your students’ questions.

Please register via the form below. This event is free of charge, but we ask teachers to collect questions in German or English from their pupils and share those with the Goethe-Institut before the event. This way, Adela can answer those questions live and enter into conversation with your students.

Download the Guideline for teachers including teaching materials and recommendations on how to prepare for the event:
©Goethe-Institut London
Zielgruppe: Y9 - Y13

About Adela Mehic-Dzanic
My name is Adela Mehic-Dzanic, 10 years ago I moved to Vienna with my husband Zlatko to build a new life and career in IT together. We both had the vision to use our knowledge and energy in the technology sector and to help shape the future.
We started from scratch in Vienna. We had no network (no contacts), no jobs and we only learnt German in Vienna. Exciting, isn't it!
Unfortunately, I didn't learn German at grammar school in Bosnia and Herzegovina and I really had no idea how long it would take for me to be able to conduct my first job interviews in German.
I realised from the beginning that the language is essential to build a life and career here. My aim is to show other women the many facets of the tech and IT world. I want to be a role model for women, take away the fears and reservations that surround technical professions and inspire them to pursue a career in IT like I did.

