Summercamp for the age 8 to 12 years

If you want your child to have fun, be in a mother tongue environment and improve their language skills this summer, this summer camp is for you.

Kidcamp © Goethe-Institut
  • Relevant topics
  • Learning made fun
  • Play-oriented and interactive

Summercamp for the age 8 to 12 years

The kids can come to us from 8.00 am to 5.00 pm. During this time, they have plenty of time to play, lego and do sports as well as learn. Efficient and fun German lessons with native-speaking teachers for kids aged 8-12 years from A2 level. Easy interaction, age-appropriate topics, exciting themes, project-oriented lessons

For young learners aged 8-12 years (fully booked) 
Learning with all your senses at the Goethe Summer Language Camp 
Would you like to learn German in a playful way together with other pupils? 
Would you like to take part in an imaginative project? 
At the summer camp you will work on small projects together with other pupils. 
The consistent use of the German language, the exciting and motivating activities will enable you to make linguistic progress within a short period of time. Together we will learn German in a topic-oriented, interdisciplinary and interactive way. 

Program of the Kidcamp in the 1. and 3. Week (01.07.-05.07.2024. and 15.07.-19.07.2024)

Learning and speaking German together. Playfully, dancing, writing, perhaps even singing! Here, the emphasis is on 'togetherness,' and also the joy that comes from making small progress together.
Together, we will dedicate ourselves to the German language (and its peculiarities) within a week. Through theater, writing, and experiential exercises, we aim to explore German grammar, and then implement it in various forms such as poetry or short sketches. Learning a language is most effective when connected with special experiences and events, so participants are encouraged to 'step out of their shadows' and apply and strengthen their newly acquired language skills within small improvisational scenes.
In the end, the desire for joy, as well as curiosity and openness, are what count, not only to learn together but also from each other. We look forward to welcoming you!

Program of the Kidcamp in the 2. Week (08.07.-12.07.2024.)

Our Kidcamp is designed for children aged 8-12 who want to improve their German language skills in a fun and interactive way. Over the five days (from Monday to Friday), the Kidcamp focuses on the topics of "food, drink, specialities and eating habits". Through various project work, children have the opportunity to get to know German cuisine and its specialities. The situations and games enable the children to develop their communicative competence at language level A2. In the Kidcamp we would like to work on a selected Grimm fairy tale. The children will have the opportunity to take on the role of the main characters and put on a play. The play will be performed on Friday at 16.00.
Szent Gellért Általános Iskola és Gimnázium 
1012 Budapest
Kosciuszkó Tádé utca 3. 
Directions: 105, 178 bus, 56, 56A tram 
We are looking forward to your registration! 
Your child is requested to write a short text, addressing at least one topic: 
Familie und Freunde: 
Beschreibe deine Familie. Wer sind deine besten Freunde? 
Was machst du gerne mit deiner Familie oder deinen Freunden? 
Hobbies und Freizeitaktivitäten: 
Welche Hobbys hast du? Warum magst du sie? 
Beschreibe einen Tag, an dem du viel Spaß hattest. 
Welche Fächer magst du in der Schule am liebsten und warum? 
Erzähle von einem besonderen Tag in der Schule. 
Reisen und Ferien: 
Wo warst du in den letzten Ferien? Wie war es dort? 
Welchen Ort möchtest du gerne einmal besuchen und warum? 
Essen und Trinken: 
Was isst du gerne zum Frühstück/Mittagessen/Abendessen? 
Kannst du ein traditionelles Gericht aus deinem Land beschreiben? 
Hast du ein Haustier? Wie heißt es und warum magst du es? 
Beschreibe einen Tag mit deinem Haustier. 
Please let us in the registration know, from which course books and how many years your child has learned German and complete the registration form. 

Send all this tho the e-mail address:  
Deadline of the registration: 19. June 2024 

  • Level
    from level A2

  • Start

  • Duration
    1. 01.07. – 05.07.2024.
    2. 08.07.-12.07.2024. - fully booked
    3. 15.07.-19.07.2024

  • Hours per week
    35 lessons

  • Total scope
    5 days

  • Participants
    max. 15

  • Course location
    Szent Gellért Általános Iskola és Gimnázium, 1012 Budapest, Kosciuszkó Tádé utca 3.

  • Price
    HUF 80 000 (with catering)