Exam Preparation

In these courses we prepare you specifically for the requirements of the Goethe-Zertifikat B2 and C1 exams

Choose a course
Illustration:  Dynamische junge Leute laufen auf ein gemeinsames Ziel zu.
  • Highly efficient examination preparation
  • Get to know the exam objectives
  • Exam strategy training


These courses are specifically designed to prepare you for the internationally recognized Goethe-Zertifikat exams. You will use practice exercises to get to know the various sections of the written and oral exam and will become familiar with specific exam techniques.

Our Courses

exam preparation - online

In these courses we prepare you specifically for the requirements of our B2 and C1 exams. You will learn about the contents of the exam, solve different sample tests and practise the most important exam techniques.

exampreparation - face to face

In diesen Kursen bereiten wir Sie gezielt auf die Anforderungen unserer Prüfungen B2 und C1 vor. Sie lernen die Inhalte der Prüfung kennen, arbeiten mit Modelltests und trainieren die notwendigen Kenntnisse für die Prüfung.

Exam Preparation Course during the Autumn Holidays

Do you want to take the B2 exam for teenagers? This exam is accepted for entrance exams and is equivalent to the adult exam, but the topics are specifically tailored for young people. 

Online placement test

Test your german
Are you taking one of our German courses for the first time? The placement test enables us to find out what previous knowledge you have, define a learning objective and help you select an appropriate course.

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