Game Developer

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Game Developers of JERMANIA


Night Spade
© Night Spade
Founded by Garibaldi Wibowo Mukti (called Gerry) and Teddy Pandu Wirawan in Bandung on the Indonesian island of Java, Studio Nightspade has been developing games for mobile platforms such as Apple's iPhone and iPad as well as Android smartphones and tablets. Driven by its passion for games and a never-ending creative spirit, the team at Nightspade has developed video games with illustrious names like Nuclear Outrun, Give a Dam and Mad Warrior over the past few years.

As these titles have already indicated, Nightspade has made a name for itself with the development of casual games. Through the partnership with the Goethe-Institut as well as the cooperation with the German studios kunst-stoff and the Good Evil, the Indonesian developers are now making an educational game about Germany. During a trip to Hamburg in November 2016, Gerry and Teddy were able to gain first-hand impressions of life in Germany and to incorporate them directly into their work on Jermania.


The Good Evil

The Good Evil
© The Good Evil
The studio The Good Evil GmbH was founded in 2013 by Linda Kruse and Marcus Bösch in Cologne. The team specializes itself in newsgames, games for museums and science games. One of these games is the award-winning language learning adventure Squirrel & Bear. It is a game for children to teach German as a foreign language. The game was awarded with the German Developer Prize as "Best Game for Children", received the Tommi as the best preschool game and was nominated for the German Computer Game Prize in the category "Best Children's Game". The mobile game runs on iOs and Android tablets.

In addition, The Good Evil developed the first German newsgame and organized Europe's first hackathon in the newsgame sphere. The studio has already cooperated with the Goethe-Institut in the context of the Game Mixer programs in Jakarta, Indonesia and São Paulo, Brazil. These are programs in which game designers from Germany are brought together with designers from the respective host country to learn from one another and to develop games together.



© kunst-stoff
Founded by Patrick Rau, Berlin based Studio kunst-stoff GmbH celebrated its first great success with the development of the game Galaxy Racers. As a learning and adventure game for children on primary school level, the game was published by the French video game publisher Ubisoft in Europe and North America for the Nindendo DS. In 2010, Galaxy Racers was awarded the German Developers Prize in the "Best Children's Game" category. Since then, kunst-stoff has successfully developed serious games for mobile platforms and has cooperated with corporative actors such as Disney, Deutsche Telekom and Mercedes Benz.

When the Goethe Institute Indonesia organized a creative exchange between German and Indonesian game developers during the German Season 2015 under the title Game Mixer, Patrick Rau was among the participating game designers from Germany. Today, kunst-stoff supports the Indonesian game developers of Nightspade in the development of Jermania and is continuing its commitment to international knowledge transfer in the field of gaming.