Professional Migration to Germany

Prepare. Qualify. Accompany.

Is your company interested in recruiting skilled labor or trainees from abroad? Are you planning a project with private or public partners to facilitate labor migration between Southeast Asia and Germany? Or are you currently preparing for future work in Germany? 

Visual: Kompetenzzentrum Südostasien für berufliche Migration nach Deutschland © Goethe-Institut

Competence Center Southeast Asia for Labor Migration to Germany

We are happy to support you as part of our competence centre, with our pre-integration project and our range of language courses.

The KSM (Kompetenzzentrum Südostasien für berufliche Migration nach Deutschland | Competence Center Southeast Asia for Labor Migration to Germany) offers:
  • reliable and transparent mediation with partner organisations to supply skilled workers and trainees to clients in Germany.
  • Organisational bundling of all specialist activities in the South East Asia region, carried out from Indonesia by KSM, based in Bandung.
  • On-campus language courses in the context of the professional activities of skilled workers.
  • Overnight accommodation on site, creating an immersive environment for intensive learning and intercultural exchange.


Skilled labor qualification: an important field of work for the Goethe-Institut

The Goethe-Institut with its 158 institutes in 98 countries is the face of Germany abroad. It has always made a substantial contribution to making Germany known as an attractive destination for working migrants and preparing them linguistically and interculturally before they enter the country. The Goethe-Institut is committed to the criteria of fair recruitment, for example through the “Fair Recruitment Nursing Germany” seal of approval from the German Ministry of Health.

Skilled labor qualification

The German economy relies heavily on skilled labor immigration from abroad. Comprehensive linguistic, cultural, and intercultural preparation is essential for successful integration into German society, both professionally and socially. Based on this conviction, we offer optimal support to individuals and companies in this process while taking on social responsibility.

Skilled labor qualification © Goethe-Institut

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