Ganesha Project – Award Ceremony and Lecture

Proyek Ganesha – Preisverleihung und Vorträge
© Wikimedia Indonesia

GoetheHaus Jakarta

From September to December 2017, Wikimedia Indonesia and the Goethe-Institut Indonesia held a joint public writing competition on social science topics, called Proyek Ganesha. The winners will be honored on Wednesday, February 28, 2018, during an award ceremony at the Goethe-Institut Jakarta.

The festive kick-off to the award ceremony will be two lectures by Ivan Lanin (Wikimedia) and Anggi Kusumadewi (Kumparan), who will be discussing the importance of collaborative writing projects for the creation of freely accessible information on the internet: What considerations led to the founding of the indonesian Wikipedia platform? Is collaborative knowledge generation in the network limited to Wikipedia? And what role does collaborative writing play in the age of fake news and filter bubbles?

Ivan Lanin: The model of collaborative writing

Ivan Lanin © © Ivan Lanin Ivan Lanin © Ivan Lanin
Ivan Razela Lanin is Senior Consultant and Director of Banking, Finance & GRC at Proxsis Consulting Group, Jakarta. His current specialization is quality management and risk management systems. Ivan Lanin has been a Wikipedia author since 2006 and one of the founders of Wikimedia Indonesia in 2008. He is also known as an Indonesian language activist in social media.


Anggi Kusumadewi: Digital Collaborative Media: The Experiences of the Kumparan Platform

Anggi Kusumadewi © © Anggi Kusumadewi Anggi Kusumadewi © Anggi Kusumadewi
Anggi Kusumadewi has been editor-in-chief of special dossiers on kumparan.com since November 2016. She is responsible for the interview section and leads an editorial team that combines investigative reporting with narrative narrative techniques, data, and video. Anggi Kusumadewi specializes in online journalism. Prior to kumparan.com, she was an editor at CNNIndonesia.com, VIVA.co.id, and Okezone.com.

This event is open to public.


GoetheHaus Jakarta

Pusat Kebudayaan Jerman
Jl. Sam Ratulangi 9-15
Jakarta 10350

Language: Indonesian
Price: Free

+62 21 2355 0208 info@jakarta.goethe.org