Living and Working in Germany

Seminar: Living and Working in Germany

With dr. Denis Apriyanto, an Indonesian professional migrant and representation from visa section of German Embassy.

GoetheHaus Jakarta

Are you Indonesian nationals and plan to migrate to Germany to work there? Do you have questions about work visa? How is it like to live and work in Germany?

dr. Denis Apriyanto
© dr. Denis Apriyanto
You can get this information directly from our speakers in the seminar „Living and Working in  Germany“. Our first speaker is dr. Denis Apriyanto, an Indonesian who migrated to Germany to work. He lives and works in Frankfurt am Main at the moment. He will share his personal experience in preparing his departure to Germany, as well as the challenges that he meets.

In this seminar, we also invite a representative from the visa section of the German Embassy, who will provide you with information and answer your questions regarding work visa. Furthermore, you can also learn about various programs offered by Goethe-Institut related to your preparation in migrating to Germany.

Interested to attend our seminar? Register yourself per e-mail to 

The seminar “Living and Working in Germany” is part of AMIF-Project “Pre-integration in the Region Southeast Asia”. This project is an initiative by Goethe-Institut and supported by the European Union with the purpose to help prospective migrants in their integration process before moving to Germany through various events and activities.


Reserve before 6 September 2019 per e-mail to:

with information on name, date and birthplace, destination city in Germany (if already known) and reason for participation in the seminar max 140 characters.

Siti Hasnah Hanum

Sombatua Sihotang
Sombatua.sihotang.extern@goethe.deTo Project

To Project: Living and Working in Germany


GoetheHaus Jakarta

Pusat Kebudayaan Jerman
Jl. Sam Ratulangi 9-15
Jakarta 10350

Language: Indonesian
Price: Free of Charge | With reservation

+62 21 391 4042
+62 21 391 7467
+62 21 391 7471