Discussion series
Living Rooms

Kultur in Krisenzeiten
Foto: Zaur Giyasov © Unsplash

Online-Forum for knowledge sharing between artists and cultural actors of Southeast Asia and Germany | Biweekly meeting on Wednesdays


The Goethe-Institutes in Bandung, Bangkok, Ho Chi Minh City, Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, and Manila are launching Living Rooms: an online forum for knowledge sharing and mutual learning. It consists of a series of closed virtual sessions with a group of artists and cultural workers from Southeast Asia and Germany. The aim is to tackle important questions regarding the resetting of the art-making as a result of the current COVID 19-situation and to then collectively work on developing answers and strategies. Summaries of each session will be documented in writings and videos shortly after the end of the series in October and will be available to wider public.




Language: English
Price: Free and open for invited guests only
