Research project in Southeast Asia
Open Call – Mutual Learning

CuratorsLAB_Open Call
© Diana Pfammatter

Submit your proposal and get up to 2,000 EUR support!

In 2015, Goethe-Institut launched CuratorsLAB, an educational program dedicated to support contemporary curatorial practice in Southeast Asia. In collaboration with independent curator and lecturer of ITB in Bandung, Agung Hujatnikajennong, and Fabian Schöneich, curator of Portikus in Frankfurt am Main, 14 participants were selected from different backgrounds and practices in the region.
Since then, the participants have been involved in the program in several phases including field trips to Bandung, Berlin, Frankfurt, and Cologne to visit artists’ studios, art institutions and events, such as KW Institute of Contemporary Art, Hamburger Bahnhof, Kunstverein Cologne, and the documenta. They also participated in a workshop in Bangkok  in preparation to the final presentation of CuratorsLAB. The final presentation takes place in form of an exhibition and publication under the names of Mutual Learning and Mutual Unknown.
Mutual Learning is a research-based project that aims to study artistic practices and ideas from the Southeast Asia region. Integrating with the exhibition format of Mutual Unknown that will be held in Jakarta on May – June 2017, Mutual Learning will act as a parallel entity which exists alongside the exhibition project and, at times, independently from the exhibition if necessary, to extend its possibilities and complement its strengths as well as limitations.
CuratorsLAB encourages research proposals that are inquisitive and seek to explore the many networks and strategies of interaction, movement, and informality that animate and reinforce the production and presentation of art in the region.
Some questions that may arise from these topics are as follows:

  • What is the nature of cultural exchange programs that inform and (currently) inundate contemporary art practices in Southeast Asia countries?
  • How is interaction conceptualized, facilitated and sustained within exhibitions and collaborative projects across the region?
  • How does (the lack of) time and movement shape intraregional exchange?
  • How does informality in artistic practices and exhibitions, assembled and disguised in different forms and embedded in varying degrees, contribute to what we now consider and identify as a “Southeast Asia exhibition”? 
As celebratory cum evaluative cultural and diplomatic activities and expositions circulate in anticipation of this year’s 50th anniversary of the ASEAN, CuratorsLAB hopes to continue the necessarily persistent investigation of the flows of national-regional-international power that orient, inform and confront artists and exhibition-making in the region.
  • Application Deadline: June 30, 2017
  • Selection announcement: July 10 2017
  • Project period: 60 to 75 days between July – December 2017
  • Eligible Countries:  Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Timor leste and Vietnam.
  • No. of Researcher per project: 1

  • Weekly journal and documentation
  • Regular update with curator and program manager
  • Public program talk/presentation in one of partner art space / organization
  • Publication 
  • Up to 2,000 EUR
  • Residency with partner organization 
How to apply
Submit a single PDF file include:
  • Project proposals  ( 1 page max)
  • Preliminary research plan / itinerary with timeline and expected budget
  • CV and Biography
Please send your application to


Language: English
Price: Free
