Film screening

Arthouse Cinema_Jakarta_Turah
© Fourcoloursfilms

Director: Wicaksono Wisnu Legowo, color, 79 min., 2016

GoetheHaus Jakarta

The hardship and competition of daily life leaves the people in Kampung Tirang marginalized and left behind. They are pessimistic and enveloped in fear, especially towards Darso, who is giving them “life”. Pakel, Darso’s assistant who is said to be a scholar, is shrewdly building and strengthening dwarf mentality among the villagers, as the situation makes it easier for him to continue turning a profit.
Turah and Jadag maintain their sense of optimism and hope to escape from the powerless lives they are leading. As certain events unfold, Turah and Jadag are prompted to fight their fear to escape from the cunning story of their lives, trying their best not to be marginalized anymore.


GoetheHaus Jakarta

Pusat Kebudayaan Jerman
Jl. Sam Ratulangi 9-15

Jakarta 10350

Language: Original languages with Indonesian subtitles
Price: Free admission | Reservation not required

+62 21 235 50208 - 147

Jalan Sam Ratulangi No. 9-15
Menteng, Jakarta 10350