Alur Bunyi - Lintang Radittya

Alur Bunyi - Lintang Radittya
© Goethe-Institut Indonesien

Contemporary experimental music

GoetheHaus Jakarta

Viewing the creative process as a journey of moulding raw ideas into their established forms, Lintang Radittya initiates this process in his electronics studio and then invites the audience to see and hear how sounds are made. His unusual stage concept opens room for unlimited possibilities to happen onstage.


Lintang Radittya -  Synth, Effect

Live Visuals:

Pfadfinderei, Berlin

Instrument builder and sound artist Lintang Radittya mixes much of his work process with sound, electronics, and interactive format. The Yogyakarta-based artist has a broad range of interests from DIY analog electronics, the relationship between sound and space, metaphysics, Javanese futurism, to electroacoustic and noise experimental music. He has taught workshops, joined exhibitions, performed, lectured, and making instruments and unique installations since 2007 across Asia, Europe, and Australia.

In the series Alur Bunyi, the Goethe-Institut presents and discusses contemporary positions of experimental (not just) electronic music from Indonesia and Germany. This year's edition of Alur Bunyi is curated by Gerald Situmorang.


GoetheHaus Jakarta

Pusat Kebudayaan Jerman
Jl. Sam Ratulangi 9-15
Jakarta 10350

Language: English, Indonesian
Price: Free Entry

+62 21 2355 0208
Part of series Alur Bunyi