Career Roadshow Ireland

Career Roadshow UK © Gèza Schenk

What (professional) opportunities are there if you learn German at school or university? Which industries need applicants with German language skills? And how do you apply for a job or internship in the German-speaking world?
Our career roadshows offer students a multi-faceted programme that provides insight into the relevance of German in professional life.

Where and when?

City  Date & Time Location  Registration Programme
Dublin - Northside 19 September 2024  St. Dominic's College, Cabra  Registrations open
Dublin - Southside  9 October 2024 
St. Kilian's Deutsche Schule, Clonskeagh
Registrations open  

What to expect?

Participants can expect a broad programme at the roadshow:

  • Exhibition stands of German organisations and German/international companies
  • Workshops
  • Information and presentations on study opportunities with German and in German-speaking countries

The target group are school pupils from the age of 13 and undergraduate university students.
You may wish to prioritize year groups which are selecting Junior or Leaving Certificate subjects, and Transition Year students. 


We are welcoming registrations from schools and schools classes over email at




St. Dominic's Cabra © St. Dominic's Cabra

St. Kilian's Deutsche Schule Dublin
(C) St. Kilian's Deutsche Schule Dublin


Why choose German(y)?
