Contact and Opening Hours

Sprachgebäude Außenansicht © © Henchion Reuter Sprachgebäude Außenansicht © Henchion Reuter

Opening hours of Language Office during course terms:

Mon-Thu 1.30 - 6.30pm
Fri 10am - 2pm

Opening hours Library Merrion Square:

The library is open for self-checkout during general opening hours:

Mon–Thu: 9 am-9 pm
Fri: 9 am-5 pm
Sat: 9 am-3 pm

The library remains closed on Saturdays before a Bank Holiday Monday. 

The library is staffed during the following hours in term time:
Mon - Thu: 2 pm - 5 pm

Wheelchair Access:

The Goethe-Institut is wheelchair-accessible from the back entrance on Stephen’s Pl. Furthermore, the whole newly build part is useable without any limitation whereas the old Georgian building is only accessible on the ground floor and basement.

How to Find Us

Map Merrion Square © © Goethe-Institut Irland  Map Merrion Square © Goethe-Institut Irland
