Professional development
DLL 3: German as a foreign language

DLL3: Deutsch als fremde Sprache
© Goethe-Institut

Professional Development for German Teachers


This unit is dedicated to the very language we teach. As a DaF teacher, you will need in-depth knowledge of the German language, of its components and of its everyday use. You will learn what is characteristic of German as a foreign language in terms of its lexicon, grammar, phonetics and pragmatics, and how to promote language awareness in your students.

Unit 3 of the Deusch Lehren Lernen series explores the following questions and more:

  • What influence does culture-specific and situational knowledge have when choosing the correct materials for teaching?
  • What specific difficulties arise when learning and teaching German, and how can they be adressed in the classroom?
  • How are the different aspects of the German language presented in textbooks?


Blended learning with:
  1. Continuous online phase on the Goethe-Institut learning platform  and
  2. 4 x live online sessions, each lasting 90 to 120 minutes. The exact dates and times for the sessions will be decided together with you and the DLL trainers at the beginning of the course.
For more information on the course schedule, the target group for the course and costs, click here.

Interested in enrolling in this course?

The dealine for registration is 08.10.2024.

Queries regarding this course should be directed to:


Language: German
Price: € 150