Discussion series
cultúr/raum I

cultúr/raum I
(c) Goethe-Institut Irland

Online in Ireland

cultÚr/raum I 

Wishful thinking or reality?
Social Progressiveness, Solidarity and Identity in 21st-century Ireland and Germany

A series of discussions on German-Irish cultural relations aims to open a dialogue with active creative artists, representatives of minorities from the cultural scene in Germany and Ireland and other important speakers. Especially in the context of Brexit and COVID-19, cultural-political issues such as diversity, progressiveness, and identity in Germany and Ireland will be discussed. We also look forward to shedding light on the role and importance of cultural institutions like the Goethe-Institut as well as Irish and German relations with Northern Ireland and Great Britain.  

During the first panel, “Wishful thinking or reality? Social Progressiveness, solidarity and Identity in 21st-century Ireland and Germany”, panelist will discuss the ever-changing demographics and manifold influences on creative artists in both countries. Germany and Ireland are proud of their vibrant and active creative and cultural scene. But is what we are witnessing true social progressiveness and change or are cultural institutions and governments still hiding behind tokenism of artists of colour to check diversity policy boxes? Irish and German panelists will tackle questions like this and many others and discuss the impact of minorities in the arts sector and the role of cultural institutions to facilitate change.

You can follow the discussion with our panellists via our YouTube channel (link to event) as well as the Goethe-Institut in Ireland Facebook page.


Online in Ireland


Language: English
Price: Free

+353 1 6801100 Info-dublin@goethe.de

via Zoom