Dietmar Dath: The Abolition of Species

translated by Samuel P. Willcocks

Man’s reign on earth has come to an end and the reign of the animals has begun. The indifferently wise Cyrus Golden the Lion rules the three-city state that is now what remains of Europe. Cyrus sends the wolf Dmitiri Stepanovich on a diplomatic mission. In the course of his journey he discovers truths about natural history, war and politics for which he was unprepared. Dietmar Dath’s futuristic novel presents an imaginative and highly original take on the decline and rebirth of civilization.
German original published by Suhrkamp Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, under the title Die Abschaffung der Arten in 2008.
In 2009 the book has won the Kurd-Laßwitz-Preis, the German literary award for science fiction.
