Logo Goethe-Institut

Max Mueller Bhavan | India

Art & Feminisms

Empowerment - logo © Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan Mumbai

"We should all be feminists!"
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

About the project

Feminism has long since become part of popular culture in Europe and the United States. However, despite worldwide movements, protests, and demonstrations to establish equality, it is still not possible in the twenty-first century to speak of comprehensive gender equality with regard to women and LGBTQIA+ communities—neither in this country nor elsewhere. Structural relationships of power and inequality are responsible for discrimination and exploitation up to physical violence or even femicides. Countless artists worldwide react to these untenable conditions with their feminist-oriented works.

Against the backdrop of ecological catastrophes, war, the pandemic, post-colonialism, and growing social inequality, they also address the intersections of various global fields of conflict and broaden the horizon for planetary approaches that also include nature with its non-human beings in a way that is comprehensive, inclusive, and forward-looking: Activist, provocative, and direct, but also poetic, humorous, and subtle, they strive to achieve equal and future-oriented life opportunities for themselves, for other marginalized people, and for societies as a whole.

Photo Gallery | Exhibition Pune 2024

Thematic fields

Participating Artists


Partner | Art Mediators | Education & Outreach

The Exhibition Tour

The Exhibition Tour


05.10.2024 - 25.10.2024







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