Fiction | Fiction
Anarchy's Brief Summer

Hans Magnus Enzensberger

In this literary biography, Hans Magnus Enzensberger describes the life of Buenaventura Durruti, a metal worker who opposed Franco and was a hero of the Spanish Revolution of 1936. Enzensberger compiles the results of the research conducted for a film project on Durruti to create a collage and to then organize the results in eight glosses, which are interspersed throughout the novel. 

Engl. (Ind.)

Anarchy's Brief Summer
Hans Magnus Enzensberger
Translation: Mike Mitchell
Kolkata, Seagull Books 2022
310 pages
Translation sponsored by the Goethe-Institut

German original title


Hans Magnus Enzensberger
Der kurze Sommer der Anarchie

Frankfurt/M., Suhrkamp Verlag 1972
299 pages


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