Fiction | Fiction

Sibylle Lewitscharoff

One night, German philosopher Hans Blumenberg returns to his study to find a shocking sight – a lion lying on the floor as if it’s the most natural thing in the world. The philosopher with some effort retains his composure, even when the lion makes another appearance the next day during his lecture, ambling slowly down the centre aisle. Blumenberg glances around; the seats are full, but none of his students seem to see the lion. What is going on here?
Blumenberg is the captivating and witty tale of this likeable philosopher and the handful of students who come under the spell of the supernatural lion. Die Welt called Sibylle Lewitscharoff the most colourful representative of contemporary German literature.

Engl. (Ind.)

Sibylle Lewitscharoff
Translation: Wieland Hoban
Kalkutta, Seagull Books 2017
224 pages

German original title


Sibylle Lewitscharoff

Berlin, Suhrkamp Verlag 2011
220 pages


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