Klaus Hoffer

(born 27.12.1942 in Graz), author, translator

Klaus Hoffer studied German philology, classical philology and English in Graz and worked as a journalist and copywriter after his dissertation. For most of his professional life he worked as a teacher. His two-part novel “Bei den Bieresch" ("Among the Bieresch" (trans. by Isabel Fargo Cole) introduced Hoffer to a wide audience in 1979. For the first part "Halbwegs" ("Halfway") he received the Rauriser Literaturpreis. Four years later the second part "Der große Polatsch" ("The Great Potlatch") followed. He has also written numerous articles for magazines, stories, radio plays and novel fragments, e.g. "Pusztavolk" (i.e. Puszta people, 1991) and "Die Nähe des Fremden" (i.e. the proximity of the unknown/foreign/alien, 2008).

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