Michael Krüger

Photo (Detail): picture alliance

(born 09.12.1943 in Wittgendorf), author, publisher, translator
Michael Krüger completed an apprenticeship as a publisher and bookseller and worked as a publishing editor, later as both literary and managing director of Hanser Verlag in Munich. In 1976 he made his debut with the poetry collection Reginapoly. His first novel Der Mann im Turm was published in 1991. For his extensive literary work, consisting of poems, novellas, novels and short stories, he received numerous awards, including the Great Literature Prize of the Bavarian Academy of Fine Arts in 2004, the Joseph Breitbach Prize in 2010 and the Eichendorff Literature Prize in 2017. Michael Krüger lives in Munich.

Wikipedia Michael Krüger DE

Wikipedia Michael Krüger EN

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