(born 09.02.1932 in Dresden), painter, sculptor, photographer

After training as a stage and advertising painter, Gerhard Richter studied at the Academy of Arts in Dresden from 1951. There he was taught by Karl von Appen and Heinz Lohmar. After fleeing to West Germany, Richter began studying at the Düsseldorf Art Academy in 1961 with Karl Otto Götz and subsequently worked as a painter. From 1971 to 1993 Gerhard Richter was professor of painting at the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf. He is one of the most important contemporary artists. In 2010 the book "Dezember. 39 Geschichten. 39 Bilder" in collaboration with Alexander Kluge („December“, trans. by Martin Chalmers, Seagull Books) appeared in 2010, and "Nachrichten von ruhigen Momenten. 89 Geschichten. 64 Bilder" (“Dispatches from Moments of Calm”, trans. by Nathaniel McBride, Seagull Books) three years later.  Gerhard Richter has received many awards for his artistic work shown at numerous exhibitions, including the Golden Lion at the 47th Venice Biennale, the Praemium Imperiale, Tokyo (both 1997) and the European Cultural Prize Taurus in 2018. Gerhard Richter lives in Cologne.

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