Joseph Vogl

Photo (detail): © picture alliance / Sueddeutsche Zeitung Photo | Rumpf, Stephan

(born 5 October 1957 in Eggenfelden, Germany); philosopher, media scientist

Joseph Vogl studied German, Philosophy and History in Munich and Paris. He was professor of History and Theory of Artificial Worlds at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Germany, and is currently professor of Modern German Literature at Humboldt University of Berlin. Joseph Vogl had published and co-authored several works before his study, Kalkül und Leidenschaft. Poetik des ökonomischen Menschen (Calculation and Passion. Poetics of Homo Economicus), appeared in 2002. His essay, Der Souveränitätseffekt (The Sovereignty Effect) was shortlisted for the Leipzig Book Fair Prize in 2015 in the non-fiction/essay category.

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