Gert Loschütz

Photo (Detail): © picture-alliance/ dpa | Jörg Schmitt

(born 09.10.1946 in Genthin), writer.

Gert Loschütz studied history, sociology and journalism at the Free University of Berlin. Since the early 1970s he has written novels, poetry, radio plays, plays and television plays as a freelance writer. His first book Gegenstände. Gedichte und Prosa. Gert Loschütz has won several prizes and honours, including the Oldenburg Children's and Young People's Book Prize (1987), the City of Wetzlar's Fantasy Prize (2006) and the Wilhelm Raabe Literature Prize (2021). The novel Dunkle Gesellschaft made it onto the shortlist for the German Book Prize in 2005. Ein schönes Paar (2018) and Besichtigung eines Unglücks (2021) were both on the longlist. Gert Loschütz lives in Berlin.

Wikipedia Gert Loschütz DE

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