Jürgen Becker

(born 10.07.1932 in Cologne), author

Jürgen Becker studied German and after that his jobs included radio assistant, proof-reader, freelance author, head of the Suhrkamp Theatre publishing house and head of the radio play department at the Deutschlandfunk radio station. In the 1960s Jürgen Becker emerged with a highly experimental type of literature. His first prose, Felder (Fields) was published in 1964. Becker mostly writes poetry, but also short stories and radio plays. His first poetry anthology, Schnee (Snow) was published in 1971. Jürgen Becker received various awards for his many publications, including the Group 47 Prize (1967), the Heinrich Böll Prize (1995), the Düsseldorf Literature Prize (2007) and the Georg Büchner Prize (2014).

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