Patrick Roth

Photo (detail): dpa - Report

(born 25 June 1953, Freiburg, Germany); writer, director

Patrick Roth graduated in English, German and Romance Studies from the University of Freiburg, Germany. He went on a scholarship to Los Angeles where he studied film production and direction. He stayed on in the US and made a short film, The Boxer, in 1978. Roth also wrote plays for the radio and for the stage, in addition to working as a film journalist for German newspapers. His literary debut, Riverside: Christusnovelle, appeared in 1991. Together with Johnny Shines oder die Wiedererweckung der Toten (Johnny Shines or the Reawakening of the Dead, 1993) and Corpus Christi (1996), it forms part of the Christus Trilogy. Patrick Roth has been awarded the Rauris Literature Prize, the Hugo Ball Prize, and the Literature Prize of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung. He has been living in Germany for several years.

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