Nora Bossong

Photo (detail): © picture alliance / SZ Photo | Metodi Popow

(born 9 January 1982 in Bremen, Germany); author

Nora Bossong studied Literature at the German Institute for Literature in Leipzig, in addition to Cultural Studies, Philosophy and Comparative Literature in Berlin, Potsdam and Rome. She was 2001 Fellow of the first Wolfenbüttel literature laboratory in Germany. Among other things, Bossong has also lectured on poetry at the RheinMain University of Applied Sciences in Wiesbaden, Germany. Gegend (Rural Landscape), her debut novel, appeared in 2006. Sommer vor den Mauern (Summer Before the Walls) (2011) won the Peter Huchel Prize in 2012. In 2019, the novel Schutzzone (Protected Area) was longlisted for the German Book Prize. Other awards included the Thomas Mann Prize (2020) and the Joseph-Breitbach-Preis (Joseph Breitbach Award) (2020). Nora Bossong lives in Berlin.

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