Leonhard Emmerling

Photo (detail): © Goethe-Institut

(born 1961 in Wertheim, Germany); art historian

Leonhard Emmerling has a doctorate in Art History, has worked in various museums in Germany, and has lectured at art schools in Berlin, Munich, Düsseldorf and Auckland. He has been working for the Goethe-Institut since 2010. Besides writing articles on contemporary art and contributing to catalogues, he has also published several books, including Kunst der Entzweiung: Zur Machtlosigkeit von Kunst (The Art of Diremption: On the Powerlessness of Art) (2017) and Idioten: Eine Kulturgeschichte des Homo Nullus (Idiots: A Cultural History of Homo Nullius) (2022).

Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek - Leonhard Emmerling

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