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Max Mueller Bhavan | India Bangalore

Film Festival
Urban Lens 2018

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© Urban Lens Film Festival

Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan Bangalore

Inauguration: Thursday September 20, 2018, 6.00 p.m. at the Bhavan
Inaugural Screening: As Time goes by in Shanghai by Uli Gaulke
Festival continues from September 21 to 23 at IIHS Campus

We are happy to partner once again with the Indian Institute for Human Settlements (IIHS) in presenting Urban Lens 2018. The Festival will open at the Bhavan with the screening of As Time goes by in Shanghai by well-known German filmmaker Uli Gaulke, who will present the film in person and engage in a Q&A after the screening.

Pink Taxi, also by Uli Gaulke, will feature in the festival, as also Kinshasa Symphony by Claus Wischmann and Martin Baer.

Cities have always been sites of socio-economic, political and cultural churning, and cinema has provided a space to understand and reflect upon these urban experiences. In keeping with its commitment to bringing out multiple, and sometimes contesting narratives that exist around the city, the Indian Institute for Human Settlements (IIHS) hosts the 5th edition of the Urban Lens Film Festival in Bangalore from September 20 to 23, 2018 and in New Delhi from November 16 to 18, 2018 in association with the Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan in both cities.

As Time goes by in Shanghai
Germany, 2013, 90 min., col., Mandarin (with English subtitles)

Shanghai’s Peace Old Jazz Band has been performing together since 1980, but the group’s members

ATGBIS_Still 4 © © Achtung Panda! As Time goes by in Shanghai © Achtung Panda!
have been playing much longer than that. Aged between 65 and 87 years, many of them have been playing jazz since the 1940s and have seen the world transform. From the Japanese occupation and the Cultural Revolution to capitalism on overdrive, the band members have seen the many faces of China and withstood the government’s suspicions of jazz. Through ages of political upheaval they never lost their faith and belief in their music. Now comes one of their biggest challenges: each year Rotterdam hosts the North Sea Jazz Festival and this year, Peace Old Jazz plans to make the trip. Follow them and director Uli Gaulke as they make the hopeful journey to win the love of the festival’s audiences.
Pink Taxi
Germany 2009, 80 min., col., Russian (with English subtitles)

Pink Taxi_Still 2 © ©  Achtung Panda! Pink Taxi_Still 2 © Achtung Panda!
In their Pink Taxis, Marina, Alla and Viktoria get their female passengers through the Moscow nights safely, always with a cheerfully indiscreet chat about career, cosmetics and men. These taxis are a microcosm of Russian society where varieties of lifestyles collide and are debated upon, laughed about or sometimes even cried for. Between commerce, financial straits and disappointment the three friends nurture their hopes for a piece of happiness.

Uli Gaulke
Potrait Uli Gaulke © © Ulrich Gaulke Potrait Uli Gaulke © Ulrich Gaulke
Writer, Director born 1968 in Schwerin, Germany
1989 – 1995 Studied Physics at Humboldt University Berlin and Informatik at Technische Universität Berlin, studies of theatre science at FU Berlin
1992 – 1999 Projectionist in various cinemas in Berlin / founder of the cinema BALASZ (1994)
1995 - 2003 Studied directing at Hochschule für Film und Fernsehen "Konrad Wolf"
since 1999 director/author Film + TV
2001 Winner of the German Film Prize "LOLA“ for the Best Documentary
2007 Grand Jury Prize Nomination SUNDANCE for COMRADES IN DREAMS
since 2006 Member of the German Film Academy
since 2007 Master classes in Bolivia, India, Russia, Germany, North
Korea, Vietnam
2010 Member of the Master class 3D FILMMAKING AND STORYTELLING of
the European Film Academy with Alain Derobe (3D Supervisor of PINA by Wim Wenders)
2012 Film Retrospective Moscow
A film about the senior home of HOLLYWOOD, shot in Hollywood, LA (2018)
In Production /Pre Production

Kinshasa Symphony
Claus Wischmann & Martin Baer
Germany 2010, 95 min., German | French | Lingála

Picture 200 musicians playing Beethoven’s Ninth in the Congo! The film follows West Africa’s only
Kinshasa Symphony Still © © Sounding Images  Kinshasa Symphony Still © Sounding Images
symphonic orchestra: Orchestre Symphonique Kimbanguiste of Kinshasa, as it prepares for its first open air concert in its neighbourhood, Ngiri-Ngiri. It is also a study of people doing their best to maintain a most complex human joint endeavour in one of the world’s most chaotic cities. This powerful film is about the Congo, the people of Kinshasa and the power of music.

Claus Wischmann is author, director, producer and executive director at sounding images GmbH. He has worked together with numerous European broadcasters and his music themed films have won awards all over the world, including the German Film Prize Nomination for his acclaimed film Kinshasa Symphony.
Martin Baer is a cinematographer, author, and director. He has made television features and documentaries and has also filmed many opera productions, concerts, and stage plays. As an author, director, and cinematographer, his documentaries mainly focus on historical topics and on Africa. Additionally, Martin Baer is the author of several texts about Africa’s history.


Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan Bangalore

716, CMH Road
Indiranagar 1st Stage

Price: Free entry. All are welcome!